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What Makes a Great Stone Baked Pizza?

Here at The Roasting Pig, our expert catering service offers a range of mouth-watering menus, including stone baked pizza. But what exactly is stone baked pizza? If you’re used to hearing the term, but you’re not quite sure on the exact cooking method it refers to (or what makes it so great) this handy blog will cover all the info you need.

What is the definition of stone baked pizza?

Stone baked pizza, as the name suggest, is pizza cooked on a hot stone. The oven itself is generally made of bricks or stone, with a stone base. It is then heated to a very high temperature, usually at least 700°F (370°C), which means the pizza cooks in just minute or two.

You may notice ‘stone baked’ pizzas in the freezer aisle of your local supermarket, which can be cooked in any conventional oven. These are named as such because the dough may be partially stone baked during the industrial preparation, or just because the finished product is designed to mimic the taste and texture of stone baked pizza. In any case, the only way to enjoy a true, authentic stone baked pizza is to cook with fresh dough in a stone-based oven.

What type of base does stone baked pizza have?

Stone baked pizzas usually feature a thin base, with a doughy crust. They’re generally soft in the middle, with crispy edges, characterised by occasional charred spots which add both extra flavour and an authentic aesthetic. The method of stone baking ensures an even heat distribution so you can be sure of a perfectly cooked pizza.

Stone baked have a sturdy base, perfect for supporting generous helpings of cheese, sauce, and your favourite toppings. They’re ideal for folding if you’re eating with your hands, or if you prefer cutlery, they’re soft enough to use a knife and fork.

Pizza oven in restaurant

What makes stone baked pizza so good?

Stone baked pizza is a popular choice for numerous reasons. As mentioned, the even heat distribution of the stone cooking method results in a uniformly cooked result. This style of pizza offers a distinctly characteristic taste and appearance, similar to wood fired pizza, with a smoky flavour and traditional look.

Stone baked pizza is also a winning choice when it comes to catering as it cooks so quickly. Here at The Roasting Pig, our professional stone ovens take just 45 seconds to cook the perfect pizza, meaning we can feed hundreds of hungry quests without people getting impatient. Stone baked pizza is also a great way to offer tasty food that can be adapted to suit every taste, as well as being both filling and affordable. It’s the perfect food for any type of gathering, and our mobile ovens can be set up inside or outside. If you’d like to learn more about our stone baked pizza catering service, be sure to contact today.

For more information, you can also check out our Pizza Catering FAQs.